Video preview playback doesn't operate
By Olga Krovyakova - modified February 15, 2024, created July 12, 2019
Q: -> I have opened the file in Video Splitter, but I can not play it back. What should I do?
A: -> If you have opened the file in Video Splitter, but the playback doesn't work or works with errors please try to select another video renderer option in Tools -> Playback settings -> Video renderer before the playback (EVR or VMR-9 is recommended).

Olga Krovyakova is the Technical Support Manager in Solveig Multimedia since 2010.
She is the author of many text and video guidelines of company's products: Video Splitter, HyperCam, WMP Trimmer Plugin, AVI Trimmer+ and TriMP4.
She works with programs every day and therefore knows very well how they work. Сontact Olga via if you have any questions. She will gladly assist you!