Batch Processing
Batch files to be supported by the Video Editing SDK for Linux are Extensible Markup Language (XML) with *.xtl extension and structure based on Direct Show Editing Services XTL format.
SDK Batch file structure
This section documents the XTL elements and attributes.
Note: All the elements and attributes are case-sensitive. The values must be quoted(""). For an examples see Batch Samples.
This table contains the basic elements of the XTL file:
Element | Description |
timelines | The timelines element is the root XML node |
timeline | The timeline element describes particular timeline. |
group | The group element defines output files parameters |
track | The track element is container for clip elements it defines common attributes for clips if it is not set |
clip | Specifies a media source file |
task | The task element defines operation that is applied to the timeline |
effect | The effect element defines the effect that is applied to the track |
transition | The transition element defines the type of transition that is applied to the track |
param | The param element specifies the value of a property on a clip or track |
additional_param | The additional_param element specifies the additional params to the preceding tag |
timelines Element
The timelines element is the root XML node
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
None, this is the root element | timeline |
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description |
version | 3 | Yes | Specifies current version of XTL format |
timeline Element
The timeline element describes particular timeline
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
timelines | group |
Attributes: no attributes specified
group Element
The group element defines output files parameters
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
timeline | track, param |
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description |
output | string with file path name | Yes | Specifies an output filename with a path |
out_type | see Output file types | No | Specifies output file type. Note: This parameter should be set depending on input format and video audio codec. By default the value is the same as Input File's type |
outdir | string with file path | Yes | Specifies the output files' path for tasks with multiple files output |
Output file types:
mpg_ts - MPEG2 transport stram mpg_ves - MPEG2 video elementary stream avc_ves - AVC video elementary stream hevc_ves - HEVC video elementary stream mp4 - MPEG-4 Part 14 format file mxf - Material Exchange Format file
If the transcoding is involved, the group tag must contain param tag to specify the compression parameters the same way as in the task tag.
track Element
The track element is container for clip elements it defines common attributes for clips if it is not set.
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
group | clip |
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description |
video | [-1, n] | No | Specifies stream number of video ("-1" - means all streams, "0" - means disable stream). By default video equals to 0. |
audio | [-1, n] | No | Specifies stream number of audio ("-1" - means all streams, "0" - means disable stream). By default audio equals to 0. |
text | [-1, n] | No | Specifies stream number of audio ("-1" - means all streams, "0" - means disable stream). By default text equals to 0. |
accuracy | [frame, gop] | No | Specifies accuracy type in trimming operaion: frame - Frame accuracy, gop - K-frame (GOP) accuracy. Default value: "frame" - if supported for the input format and codec, "gop" - otherwise. |
flags | see Trimm flags | No | Specifies coma separated options used in trimming operation. By default no flags set. |
Trimm flags
blank - when set in clip, turns a clip as a placeholder of the specified duration to preserve the clip alignments. No video/audio from the file will be delivered to the output file.
audio_silence - generates a silent audio for the specified duration of time.
clip Element
The clip element specifies media source files and start/stop positions of fragments to be kept.
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
track | None |
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description |
src | string with file path name | Yes | Specifies the path name of the input media file |
index | string with index file path name | Yes | Specifies the path name of the input media file' index |
video | [-1,n] | No | Specifies the number of video stream. The 0 value means no video stream. The -1 value means - all video streams. By default video equals to 0. |
audio | [-1,n] | No | Specifies the number of audio stream. The 0 value means no audio stream. The -1 value means - all audio streams. By default audio equals to 0. |
text | [-1,n] | No | Specifies the number of text stream. The 0 value means no audio stream. The -1 value means - all text streams. By default text equals to 0. |
start | time string | No | The start time of the fragment. See time format types for details. The default value represents the beginning of the media file. |
stop | time string | No | The stop time of the fragment. See time format types for details. The default value represents the end of the media file. |
length | time string | No | Alternative description of the time. This description is the same as start="00:00:00:00", stop="length". Should present either start/stop or length. |
timeFormat | 100ns_units, time10ms, position |
No | Specifies the format of "start" and "stop" attributes. If not specified - time10ms |
flags | see Trimm flags | No | Specifies coma separated options used in trimming operation. See Trimm flags for details. By default no flags set. |
Time format types:
100ns_units - Value is interpreted as 100ns Units ( 1 sec = 1e7 UNITS) time10ms - Value is set in format "HH:MM:SS.mS" position - Value is set using key words: "begin", "end" bytes - Value is interpreted as bytes count (available only for task element) parts - Value is interpreted as parts count (available only for task element)
task Element
The task element defines operation that is applied to the timeline
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
group | param |
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description |
type | transcoding | Yes | Specifies the task type. See Task types for details |
time | time string | No | Specifies the time parameter for task |
timeFormat | 100ns_units, time10ms, parts, bytes |
No | Specifies how to interpret value specified in time attribute. See time format types. By default timeFormat equals to time10ms. |
Task types:
transcoding - The files on the timeline must be transcoded with the parameters specified in a child param tag.
Available params:
<param name="reference_file" value="val"/>
The parameter's value attribute is interpreted as a name of file that contains the compression parameters. Required for the transcoding. Can also be a child of the group tag.
<param name="vcodec" value="val"/>
The parameter's value attribute is interpreted as a comma-separated list of the video compression parameters in the form of name=value. Similar to the reference_file. Available parameters for the video compression are as follows:
Name Possible values Obligation presence Description type h264 Yes Specifies the compression codec width [1, n] No Specifies the width of the output video in pixels height [1, n] No Specifies the height of the output video in pixels bitrate [1000, n] No Specifies the average bitrate of the output video in bits/s fps_n [1, n] Only with fps_d Specifies the numerator of the FPS value fps_d [1, n] Only with fps_n Specifies the dennominator of the FPS value profile baseline
high444No Specifies the compression profile acodec
<param name="acodec" value="val"/>
the parameter's value attribute is interpreted as a comma-separated list of the video compression parameters in the form of name=value. Similar to the reference_file. Available parameters for the audio compression are as follows:
Name Possible values Obligation presence Description type aac Yes Specifies the compression codec rate [8000, n] No Specifies sampling rate of sampling frequency for the compressed audio in Hz, most common values are 44100 and 48000 channels [1, n] No Specifies the number of channels in the compressed audio bitrate [1000, n] No Specifies the average bitrate of the output video in bits/s profile LC
MAINNo Specifies the compression profile
effect Element
The effect element defines the effect that is applied to the clips in the current track
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
track | param |
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description | type | transparency | Yes | Specifies the effect type by name. |
start | time string | Yes | Specifies the effect start time. |
stop | time string | Yes | Specifies the effect stop time. |
timeFormat | See time format types. | No | Specifies how to interpret value specified in time attribute. By default timeFormat equals to time10ms. |
Effect types:
transparency - Applied to the video stream of the parent track tag. Must contain additional param tags. Available params:
<param name="alpha" value="val">
The parameter's value attribute is interpreted as a transparency and stores the initial value of the transparency. This type of param tag must include a child tag with a description of the value variation function, which will also contain the destination value of the parameter that the initial value will be changed to. Available values: (0 - 255)
<param name="bkcolor" value="val" />
The parameter's value attribute is interpreted as a name of the backgroung color. Available values: "transparent", "black"
chroma_key - Applies Chroma key effect to the video stream of the parent track tag. Must contain additional param tags.
Available params:
<param name="r" value="val"/> <param name="g" value="val"/> <param name="b" value="va"/>
Defines the main key color RGB components for the effect
Available values: (0 - 255)
<param name="similarity" value="val"/>
Defines the threshold applied when compare source pixels with the main key color. Higher value will remove more pixels.
Available values: (0 - 1000)
<param name="smoothness" value="val"/>
Defines the smoothness for the pixels that are neighbors to removed pixel. Lower values leave hard edges around removed pixels; higher values soften the edge of removed areas
Available values: (0 - 1000)
<param name="spill" value="val"/>
Specifies how aggressively to remove traces of the key color around the edge of other colors (for example, green pixels around a subject's hair)
Available values: (0 - 1000)
<param name="opacity" value="val"/>
Sets the opacity of the resulted opaque pixels after key color remove. 0 - transparent; 255 - is opaque
Available values: (0 - 255)
brightness, contrast, gamma
<param name="brightness" value="val"/> <param name="contrast" value="val"/> <param name="gamma" value="val"/>
Changes the brightness, contrast, gamma parameters of the resulted opaque image.
Available values: (0 - 100)
volume - Applied to the audio stream of the parent track tag. Must contain additional param tags. Available params:
<param name="volume" value="val">
The parameter's value attribuate is interpreted as a volume value in percent of original value Available values: (0 - 1000)
transition Element
The transition element defines the type of transition that is applied to the track
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
track | none |
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description | type | See transition types | Yes | Specifies the transition type by name. |
start | time string | Yes | Specifies the effect start time. |
stop | time string | Yes | Specifies the effect stop time. |
timeFormat | See time format types. | No | Specifies how to interpret value specified in time attribute. By default timeFormat equals to time10ms. |
Transition types:
mix - Affected tracks will be mixed together. Streams to be mixed are specified in the transition's parent track tag. Available params:
- audio
the parameter's value attribute is interpreted as an ordered number of the audio stream trom the main track where current audio will be mixed. Available values: (1 - Total Audio Streams)<param name="audio", value="val">
pip - one of the affected tracks will be overlaid on the other. Requires the destination rectangle description in child param tags.
Available params:
x, y
<param name="x", value="val"> <param name="y", value="val">
the parameter's value attribute is interpreted as a position in pixels.
width, height
<param name="width", value="val"> <param name="height", value="val">
the parameter's value attribute is interpreted as dimensions in pixels.
param Element.
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
group, transition, effect | None |
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description |
name | string | Yes | Specifies the parameter name |
value | string | Yes | Specifies the parameter value |
Available values are listed in the related parent tags.
Value variation functions
Specifies the type of function to be applied for the values variations.
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
param | None |
Only the linear function is supported:
<linear attribute="value">
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description |
value | [0, 255] | Yes | Specifies the destination value of the parent pamameter's tag |
start | time string | No | The start time of the fragment. See time format types for details. The default value represents the beginning of the media file. |
stop | time string | No | The stop time of the fragment. See time format types for details. The default value represents the end of the media file. |
length | time string | No | Alternative description of the time. This description is the same as start="00:00:00:00", stop="length". Should present either start/stop or length. |
timeFormat | 100ns_units, time10ms, position |
No | Specifies the format of "start" and "stop" attributes. If not specified - time10ms |
additional_param Element.
Parent/Child information
Parent | Children |
Any | None |
This tag is applied to the preceding tag and extends its parameters. Currently applied to the track tag.
Attribute | Possible values | Obligation presence | Description |
video | [1, n] | No | Specifies the additional video stream number to be processed |
audio | [1, n] | No | Specifies the additional audio stream number to be processed |
text | [1, n] | No | Specifies the additional text stream number to be processed |