Author Topic: Hypercam3.6 Sound codecs don't work  (Read 26140 times)
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« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2014, 01:53:38 AM »
Dear Yak2000,

Could you please let us know what software is used by you to run HyperCam 3 on Mac OS?
If you use Parallels then what option was selected in "The integration with Mac"section of Parallels installation?

>>WMAudio Encoder DMO and  WMVideo 9 Encoder DMO are not accepted natively by Mac.
Please let me know in details what result you have received with these codecs?

Do you have these codecs in the "Options" -> "Video" tab -> "Video compressor" combobox list?

I've tried to launch HyperCam 3 via Parallels and received the following result: the desktop of Windows and all its objects could be recorded by HyperCam but Mac dektop can't (there is the gray screen insteed of Mac OS objects).
I've selected the "Integration with Mac" section "Like a PC" while the installation. Possibly with the alternative option there will be another result.

As the temporary solution you can copy/paste your promoting tutorials (especially if they are in the pdf file format) to the Windows desktop and record them using HyperCam 3. The Parallels application installed with "Like a PC" option is required for this.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2014, 01:52:08 AM »
Thank you for your answer.
May I remind you these 2 points, from my today's post:

- I tried to use Uncompressed PCM with sample size 8 bits but it gave rise to "Error building audio graph hr 0x8004005"

- I need a codecs set, that gives videos readable on both PC and Mac.

WMAudio Encoder DMO and  WMVideo 9 Encoder DMO are not accepted natively by Mac.
So I need another couple of codecs, please.
I cannot ask my prospects to install Flip4Mac or other specific program on their Mac, to read my promoting tutorials.
I have Prospects in both worlds…

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« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2014, 01:08:11 AM »
Hallo Yak2000,

Thank you for your posts.
We have reproduced issue with  Microsoft ADPCM/WAV crash error building Audio Graph you have described.

The sound interruption after some time of recording regrettably there was not repruduced, but there were another issues with recording when selecting Xvid codec and uncompressed audio that we'll try to fix in near future.

Please try to set in "Options" -> "Device" combobox-> System Audio (Options -> Audio tab).
And also you can try to use "WMAudio Encoder DMO" as the audio compressor.
Also please select as the temporary solution the WMVideo 9 Encoder DMO as the video compressor (Options -> Video tab).

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2014, 09:34:04 PM »

I urgently need a solution.

You might need configuration infos:

I work on an Asus I7 4 cores 8 thread 2,7GHz 24 G Ram, with Windows 7 64 bits Integral
I installed Hypercam 3,6 64 bits.

 When I use Xvid Mpeg4 +uncompressed sound, sound seems to be interrupted after 30s or so   in the case of short clips less than 1mn. (file<8MB).
Especially when there are many comments on a static screen, I suspect that sound data sometimes exceeds the size of video data, so it is stopped,
I tried to set uncompressed mono sound bitrate 705b/s but still had the same sound lockage.

I tried to use sample size 8 bits but it gave rise to "Error building audio graph hr 0x8004005"
 like with other codecs I tried.

I need a codecs set that gives videos readable on both PC and Mac.

Wait for your suggestion.


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« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2014, 12:24:59 PM »
If WMVideo9 Ecoder DMO video /WMV was chosen, then:
Uncompressed audio: sound is cut after 30s or so

If XVid Mpeg4/AVI was chosen then
with Uncompressed audio: sound is cut after 30s or so
with Microsoft ADPCM/WAV crash error building Audio Graph
with MPEG Layer 3/mp3  no sound , or sound starts being recorded after 20 s only (lose the first 20s)
with AC-3 ACM sound works with low quality
with WMSpeechEncoder DMO sound works with low quality

Fairly awesome situation...