Hypercam3 seems to have all features I'm searching in a video capture software :
-I need to capture and encode at the same time,
-to be able to capture the mouse pointer,
-to be able to choose the audio sound card source, etc...
So it's theoretically perfect for me!
Unfortunately I have a big issue when I want to record ingame videos (only tested with WoW).
My config :Win Xp pro - Directx 9c - Nvidia GeForce GTS 450
Issue :When I'm trying to capture a video of my desktop, no problem.
But when I try to do that ingame, I've no apparent issue when I'm recording, but on the video recorded all graphics (HUD and 3D objects) are flashing constantly...
Here an example of the problem (small capture of 7 sec, Xvid codec) :
hyperCam3_ingame_bug_1280x1024.aviPrecisions :-I've also tried other common codec, like divx, but same issue.
-I've absolutly no problem with fraps, gamecam, or FastCapPro that are fully dedicated to record ingame sessions (but these softwares arent good enough for me, they cant do what I want)
-I've got exactly the same problem with another soft (capture solution XE) that allow to capture only one part of the screen (I dont care about this feature, cause I want to record the full screen. But idk if it has a link with my problem).
I'm searching in vain a software that could allow me to do all what I want for ages... Hypercam3 have all the features I need, but I have this weird issue

Please can you help me to solve this ?
1000x thanks in advance.
Keep up the good work.
Edit : Just tried to record with the game in "window mod", and it's working well. I think it's a problem with applications running in fullscreen mod. Any help ? Ty in advance.
2nd edit : today I've also submited this issue on the feedback page,