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Topics - parrot

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HyperCam / The program freezes when trying to stop recording!
« on: January 17, 2010, 12:14:51 AM »
I'm beyond frustrated right now. I have spent hours trying to fix the problem, but with no avail.

I have a presentation on Tuesday, and I can't use the program in it's current state.

Basically, the program works fine until I press either pause or stop, albeit a tiny bit of barely noticeable lag.

I really need help with this problem.

My computer is fairly strong having an intel core 2 duo, 4 gigs of RAM, XP home service pack 2, and runs at 2.16GHz.
Also if resolution matters, it is running at 1680x1050, and I am recording the full screen, but I don't see much lag, so that can't be causing the freezing.

I hope to get a response today, because I have quite a bit to do, otherwise I'm screwed.

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