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Pages: [1]
Video Splitter / Splitter hangs trying to trim video
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:26:21 AM »

I have m4v produced by Adobe Media Encoder.  The file can be played back and imported into splitter.  However, when I try to trim it, splitter will hang with 1 CPU core at 100%.  I've tried various encoding mode, CBR, VBR at different target bit rate but the problem persists.

I've create a sample with just black background that can reproduce this problem.

Is it possible to find out what's wrong?


Video Splitter / Error when joining m4v (H.264)
« on: June 10, 2012, 08:26:01 AM »
The m4v are originally produced by Adobe Media Encoder and cut by SolveigMM.

I got the following error:

Can't perform this task. (Unspecified error hr=0x80004005).

How could I trouble shoot?


Video Splitter / How to use marker
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:13:21 AM »

I've used other software before and normally they have in and out marker separately.

In SolveigMM, there is a single marker button.  I've tried to do the simplest to keep the segment in the middle but I could not get it to work.  The segment color can be yellow, dimmed yellow or button.  It seems to keep changing the left marker (the 2 on the bottom) and the right one is greyed out.

Is there a tutorial on how to set markers?


Video Splitter / End point at non-K frame
« on: June 09, 2012, 10:37:37 PM »
The splitter allows me the choose marker at the position other than K-frame.

The it's trimmed, what does it do?  There is no encoders so the starting point must be K-frame.  However, the end point can be non-K-frame.

The resulting video plays fine.  However, when it's imported into Encore, it will cause Encore to hang.  If I move the end point is set at K-frame instead, it will import fine.

Is there any special handling?


Video Splitter / Is it possible to choose end time in join manager?
« on: June 09, 2012, 08:55:18 PM »
I need to join a few segments from a few source file.  I can't seem to change the end time in join manager.  So I have to save each segment first in splitter and then join them.  Is it possible to do it in one shot?


Pages: [1]