SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In / Trimming still keeps the whole file?
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:20:22 PM »
I bought the WMP Trimmer 3.0 Home Edition, and I'm using Windows 8.1
I've tried repeatedly to open various audio files, adding a marker at the beginning and at the end of a segment I want to trim, and then clicking trim. It doesn't save just that segment though, but the entire audio file... is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
I bought the WMP Trimmer 3.0 Home Edition, and I'm using Windows 8.1
I've tried repeatedly to open various audio files, adding a marker at the beginning and at the end of a segment I want to trim, and then clicking trim. It doesn't save just that segment though, but the entire audio file... is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?