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Topics - Dwight

Pages: [1]
Video Splitter / Video lags audio after edits
« on: January 27, 2025, 01:17:29 PM »
I'm having trouble lately with video lagging audio by 100 to 500ms or even more sometimes after making multiple edits. These lags can appear after any edit, from early in the project to later on. As a result I'm often forced to extract the audio and edit it after finding mis-sync points and add in noise to resync the tracks. This is using the latest version of Video Splitter.

In version 8, after loading a MKV video and selecting streams for preview and trimming, including its external subtitle, the external subtitle does not show in the preview screen.

Video Splitter / Subtitles not showing
« on: September 15, 2023, 04:28:54 AM »
How do you get the subtitles to show while editing videos in the latest Video Editor program?

Pages: [1]