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Messages - Olga Krovyakova

Pages: 1 ... 77 78 [79] 80
Video Splitter / Re: Video Splitter 2.3 beta
« on: January 31, 2011, 02:46:20 PM »
Hello Nuser,

Thank you for question and your interest to our product :)

Unfortunately it is not possible to install two versions to different folders.

Have a nice work with the program!
We appreciate any bug reports.

Video Splitter / Re: Feature Suggestions for Video Splitter
« on: January 25, 2011, 02:45:39 PM »
Thank  you very much for your suggestions, good ideas!
We will discuss them with our Team.


Thank  you  for your email.

You  can try our 2.3 beta, it cuts this ads perfectly :)

Here is the link:


У меня большая просьба  к Вам.

Пришлите,  пожалуйста, файл,  который пытались отрезать на


Добрый день, rdi.

Опишите,  пожалуйста , подробней последовательность ваших  действий.

Если я Вас правильно поняла,  было  выбрано несколько отрезков, не идущих последовательно друг за другом и Вы их  пытались вырезать за 1 проход.

Как мне видится, что было сделано в данном случае:

Были добавлены по одному с помощью  кнопки Add фрагменты и  затем была нажата кнопка Process.
В результирующем файле, в таком случае, AVI Trimmer "соединил" эти отрезки,  так что первый фрейм второго отрезка стал  идти за последним первого.

Если это имелось  ввиду,то в AVI Trimmer'e пока нет  возможности сохранения по отдельности выбранных фрагментов  за 1 проход. 
Возможно,  мы добавим эту возможность в будущем.

Или же первый фрейм 2-го отрезка заменяется последним 1-го?

Пока можете попробовать Video Splitter,  который поддерживает эту функцию:

После того как выберите нужные отрезки, переместите курсор на один из  участков, которые требуется сохранить и выберите с помощью  правой кнопки мыши "Save All Fragments as" функцию.

Video Splitter / Re: the sample start time is after the sample end time
« on: January 13, 2011, 08:40:32 PM »
Hello  kiwidoc71,

Thanks for your message.
And sorry for so  delayed  answer, the  was really such problem.

We've made some corrections, you can try this beta version:

Video Splitter / Re: Video Splitter MKV - AVC Frame accuracy testing
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:39:54 PM »
Hello arto65,

Thank  you for questions.

We work on  your problem, I'll inform  you  when  we'll  find  out it reason.

Please sorry us for possible inconvenience.

Hello Daniel,

Thank  you for contacting  us.

Please  send  us  the screenshot from AVIcodecs program (here or  to
Sorry for delayed answer, we have state vacancy till 11 January. 

The required codec is highlighted in green square on the screenshot below:

SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In / Re: problem with trim
« on: November 29, 2010, 04:15:27 PM »
Hello spud,

Thank  you  for question.
We are working on  this today.
I will inform you when we'll find out the problem  reason.
Please sorry us for possible inconvenience.

SolveigMM AVI Trimmer / Re: make .AVI file from pieces of other .AVI files
« on: November 29, 2010, 03:12:56 PM »
Hello gjberta,

Thank you  for your interest to our product.

Unfortunately AVI Trimmer + MKV hasn't joining possibility at the present time.
But you can  use our Video  Splitter to  join  several  .AVI files.

To  find more information  about it  please use this link:

Please see the detailed instruction on how to join  .AVI files here:

HyperCam / Re: Can't record sound
« on: November 08, 2010, 06:00:13 PM »
Hi dragonfire,

You don't need to  write this information.
We are waiting your  email at support (at) to send you the beta as soon as it will be ready.

HyperCam / Re: Video Compression Error
« on: November 01, 2010, 09:25:52 PM »
Hello Craigm,

Sorry for so  delayed answer!
Could you please send to  us start.log  file of your recording process?
You  could use this e-mail  to  send it: support(at)

SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In / Re: The File Type is not supported
« on: October 29, 2010, 08:06:29 PM »
Hi bppilot,

Thank  you for contacting us.
Say please if WMV files are displaying in  Windows Media Player itself?
Could you please send to a Screenshot of this error?

Video Splitter / Re: Installer did not register SSP files
« on: October 29, 2010, 07:44:34 PM »
Hi sgartner,

Sorry, but (*.spp) files cannot be opened by double-click with Video Splitter.
We'll probably implement this feature in  future.
Now you can do it by this sequence of actions:
1. Click right button on (*spp) file
2. Follow: Properties -> General ->opposite the "Application" string click "Change" button.
3. Choose "SolveigMM Video  Splitter",  click "Ok" button.

HyperCam / Re: Can't record sound
« on: October 29, 2010, 07:05:05 PM »
Hi dragonfire,

Sorry  for delayed answer.
As I see from your picture, there is no information  about Sound card in "Sound, video and game controllers" section.
It is probably in "Other devices". Check it please.
Your driver can  be made by producer of device (Sigmatel) OR by Microsoft.  If it is from  Microsoft there may be no Stereo Mix,  that you need. Please check "Other devices"  section for information  about driver producer. If you have Microsoft driver, please try to install the Sigmatel one. You can  use this link to download it:

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