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Messages - Maxim.Sakhankov

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Hello N_User_2020,

Thank you for your message and your call.
I would like to ask here that you send us any file that we can use to reproduce this issue.
You can use any file sharing services, like Google Drive, Dropbox or any other and send a link to the file to me in a private message or to our technical support. Please do not forget to specify a reference to this thread in your message.

Also, I would like to ask you to make a DXDIAG report for both 32 and 64 bit versions and send it to me as well.
You can see the instructions here.

Video Splitter / Re: Can´t read MPG or MP4 file
« on: June 16, 2020, 06:20:45 PM »
After checking this issue we have found that the files to be edited had incorrect format - they have MP4 extension but they were actually AVI files, which led Video Splitter to the error.

This issue had been fixed in the latest beta-version:
7.3.2006.10 (x86) and 7.3.2006.10 (x64)

Файлы большого размера нельзя отправлять через почту. Для передачи файла, пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь любым файловым хранилищем - Google Drive, Яндекс.Диск, Облако итд.

В таком случае, напишите в тех. поддержку с указанием ссылки на этот пост.

Здравствуйте Toganash,
Инструкция по переносу лицензи есть здесь: для Video Splitter, для HyperCam. Если Перенести ллицензию самостоятельно не удается, пожалуйста, обратитесь в тех.поддержку.

Hello kaisrmaulo5,
You can check Solveig Multimedia's Video Splitter or WMP trimmer plug-in. Both products are capable of trimming source videos and displaying the storyboard. They are also compatible with Windows 10.

Hello StuckPixel,

Could you please send your source file and a trimming project file to our technical support with the reference to this post, so we can check the issue?
You can use any file sharing services to send your file.

Video Splitter / Re: [Request] Video splitter / Trimmer
« on: June 04, 2020, 02:16:25 PM »
Hello jinelcrimp8,
Video Splitter is capable of editing vertically or horizontally oriented MP4 files without full re-compression of the source video. In the output file the video will be stored as it was in the source file. The orientation info will be stored in the output file accordingly.

Вы можете написать на адрес технической поддержки или мне в личном сообщении.


Если у вас появится возможность предоставить файл для анализа, пожалуйста пришлите его нам с указанием ссылки на этот пост.

Здравствуйте Heinz,

Полного перекодирования в приложении нет. Судя по вашему описанию, в процессе резки произошла ошибка, которая повлекла зависание.
Чтобы найти ошибку, пожалуйста, пришлите ваш исходный файл и файл проекта резки (можно сохранить в меню "Файл"-"Сохранить Проект Как") нам на адрес технической поддержки.

По вопросам возврата также обращайтесь в техническую поддержку.

Hello Ironwill.

First of all, I would like to clarify, that the command line operations available only in the Business Edition of Video Splitter via the SMM_BatchSplit.exe console utility.
It operates with the text projects in XTL format.
If you would like just to join multiple file into a single output, you can use the following project:
 <timelines version="2" >
        <group output="C:\Test_full.mp3">
            <task type="joining" />
            <track video="-1" audio="-1" >
                 <clip src="C:\Test_part0.mp3" />
                 <clip src="C:\Test_part1.mp3" />
                 <clip src="C:\Test_part2.mp3" />

With this example you are joining Test_part0, Test_part1 and Test_part2 to a file Test_full

You can get more details on the xtl format from the "SolveigMM Batch Splitter console utility" section of the documentation that is installed with the Video Splitter.

I checked both 32 and 64 bit versions of the Video Splitter Home Edition, and did not find the issue with registration.
Could you please check if your anti-virus software does not block the component? Also please let me know what anti-virus software you use.

Video Splitter / Re: Splitter Never Starts
« on: May 18, 2020, 04:10:56 PM »
The file that you load in the Video Splitter for editing.

Video Splitter / Re: No Encoders in Preferences List
« on: May 18, 2020, 03:52:25 PM »
Hello hurricane51,
Video Splitter enumerates decoders/encoders installed in your system. In general you don't need this feature as Video Splitter uses its own codecs for the most popular video compression formats.

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