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Messages - Maxim.Sakhankov

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20]
Video Splitter / Re: AVI frame accuracy trimming. Testing
« on: June 29, 2010, 08:30:54 AM »
Thank you all for the feedback. We've found the reason of error with KeyFrameManager.
An update has been posted. Please download the new version.

(use the link from the first post)

SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In / Re: Registration problems
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:53:59 AM »
Hello jeff0672,
We are currently checking the issue. I'll let you know the results.

We're working with this problem. Currently you can activate plug-in running the Registrator "As Administrator".
Right-click the ""Register product" menu in "Start->All Programs->Solveig Multimedia->SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In" and choose "Run As Administrator".

SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In / Re: windows media player 12 problem
« on: June 10, 2010, 05:30:16 AM »
Could you please explain your problem a little more specifically. If I could understand correctly, the WMP adds files to the library itself when you open the file. Plug-in does nothing with file except trimming.

Video Splitter / Re: Frame-accurate editing of WMV-clips
« on: June 03, 2010, 05:44:55 AM »
Hello  hnrene,
We are currently implementing an AVI frame-accurate trimming. Once it would be implemented, a Windows Media files trimming should be added soon. I suppose, the feature would be added in a couple of weeks.

Video Splitter / Re: Audio Sync Problems Merging AVIs With Splitter
« on: March 19, 2010, 03:44:29 PM »
Hello seagrave,

Frst of all, please try the most recent beta testing build ( and if it doesn't solve your problem please send a small sample of your file to tech support if that's possible. It would be much easier to find the problem out.

Hello Jeff,
Sorry for delayed answer, we had some troubles with our e-mail system. As for your registration problem I suppose you use HyperCam installer version 3.0.912.7. If so, please update it with the latest version from here  (currently it is 3.0.912.18), this should help you.

Video Splitter / Re: unable to install "cannot register SMM_EditEngine.DLL"
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:55:47 AM »
Hello Mike,
Please make a small test: download and extract the dependency walker utility
and also the Editing Engine itself

Open Depends.exe and drag-n-drop the SMM_EditEngine.dll there. Then click 'File' and choose "Save As.." menu. As a result you'll get the .dwi file. Please send a letter with this file to our support (support(at)solveigmm(dot)com).

Video Splitter / Re: Very basic batch question
« on: October 20, 2009, 04:46:39 AM »
Maxim could you please, post a small example such a joining script?

Here is the sample script.

    <group name="C:\Joined.mp3" mode="joining">
      <track out_type="mpa" video="-1" audio="-1" >
          <clip src="D:\Music\01.mp3" start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:04:11:22" />
          <clip src="D:\Music\02.mp3" start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:04:45:28" />
          <clip src="D:\Music\03.mp3" start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:05:56:26" />
          <clip src="D:\Music\04.mp3" start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:05:06:65" />

"group name" should contain the output file name.
"clip src" should contain names of files to be joined.
"track out_type" should be identifier of the output file type. The following types are available:
mpa - for MPEG 1-2 audio files;
avi - for AVI files;
asf - for ASF, WMV, WMA files;
mpg1_sys - for MPEG 1 files.

However this method is still unsafe, because files should be verified for compatibility first. You should use it only when sure the files are compatible.

Video Splitter / Re: Very basic batch question
« on: October 19, 2009, 07:50:52 AM »
Thanks, that did the trick!  I did have 2.2 downloaded, but the join manager isn't in manual, so the manual must be for previous version.

YES, how can I set up batch joins? Or join via a batch file.

It is possible to use SMM_BatchSplit utility to perform joining operation via command line.
As a parameter you'll need to pass the name of xtl file with valid information about joining. The safest way to obtain such file is to save it from join manager. Or you can make this file manually.

SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In / Re: Native translators wanted
« on: March 09, 2009, 05:48:57 AM »
This file includes the text to be translated:

General Discussion / Re: combining video files
« on: February 03, 2009, 11:48:48 AM »
Tomorrow we will rebuild the Splitter_2_3 installation with the recent components and post it here for tests.

The build has already been updated. Please use the following link

Video Splitter / Re: Profile file can't be saved.
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:33:36 PM »
reproduced. the fix is on the way.
The fix is already there ;)

Video Splitter / Re: Error running BatchSplit
« on: January 13, 2009, 10:57:46 AM »
The problem is fixed now, you can download the updated version of Video Splitter installer.

SolveigMM Media Utilities / SolveigMM BMPs to AVI Project
« on: December 22, 2008, 11:54:57 AM »
SolveigMM BMP to AVI | .NET application, C++ DLL, DirectShow filter

The project is a DirectShow filter, used to produce the video stream from input BMP pictures, Visual C++ DLL, providing the necessary functions to operate with streaming filter and Visual C# application to use the DLL API.

The available functions are muxing BMPs into the AVI video stream with the given frame duration. The output stream can be compressed with one of the available encoders or uncompressed (RGB24). The DLL also allows getting information from AVIs, like the frame sizes, compression method, the duration of a frame and total number of frames in the given AVI. Also DLL can be used to get the screen shot (24bit BMP) of the exact frame from existing AVI file.
24-32bits BMP pictures are supported (in 32-bit BMP A-bit is ignored) as an input.

Here you can find some help on how to use the BMP to AVI tool:
How to add photos to movie

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