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Messages - Olga Krovyakova

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Игорь, добрый день!

Ольга , Добрый день . Отправил на указанный ящик . Возможно публикация в ветке была бы полезна кому-то ещё , но я не зарегистрирован в соц сетях , а на специализированных ресурсах выкладывать эти скрины не счёл уместным.
К сожалению не смогли найти Ваше письмо. Попробуйте, пожалуйста, отправить письмо еще раз на адрес support(at)

Здравствуйте, Ramzes!

Случайно обнаружил ещё один баг в версии 6.1.1611.26 Business Edition BETA:
открываем какой-нибудь сохранённый файл проекта, ставим курсор в любое место таймлайна, кликаем мышкой кнопку "Проиграть" в окне просмотра видео, кнопка становится кнопкой паузы и ОПАЧКИ! - кнопка НЕКЛИКАБЕЛЬНА, только пробел срабатывает. Кнопка опять становится активной и нажимаемой, пока на неё не кликнешь снова и т.д.
Проверила на указанной версии, к сожалению не воспроизводится на нашей стороне. Пришлите, пожалуйста, исходный файл и файл  проекта (можно загрузить на Google drive).

Эта версия ацки грузит процессор, когда заполняет таймлайт кадрами - вплоть до полного замирания интерфейса windows в течение 10 и более секунд.
На файлах какого формата это происходит? Нам также был бы полезен образец файла.

Очень часто при перемещении курсора по таймлайну кадры в окне просмотра выглядят как серая размазня, в которой невозможно рассмотреть изображение.
Пришлите, пожалйста, скриншот и файл, на котором вы видите данную проблему.


Игорь, добрый день!

Я думаю будет проще прислать нам скриншоты на почту support(at)
Чтобы вставить картинку, надо ее загрузить на какой-нибудь ресурс, затем вставить полученную ссылку, добавив в начало и конец теги  [ img ][ / img ] - (пробелы в скобках убрать).

Добрый день, Игорь!

Пришлите, пожалуйста, настройки, которые вы видите на скриншоте из моего предыдущего сообщения (вкладка Recording devices), а также все вкладки настроек микрофона (кликните правой кнопкой мыши по микрофону, выберите Properies (Свойства), пришлите, скриншоты всех вкладок (Generel / Listen / Levels / Enhancements / Advanced).
Также если на второй вкладке Listen у вас включена галочка для настройки Listen to this device, отключите её.

Здравствуйте, Игорь!

Спасибо за Ваше сообщение.

Вам необходимо включить микрофон в системных настройках и сделать его устройством по умолчанию, как показано на рисунке ниже. Поэтому кликните правой кнопкой мыши на иконку со звуком в нижней панели, выберите Recording devices (Устройства записи). Далее в списке выберите микрофон и нажмите Enable (Включить), далее сделайте микрофон устройством по умлолчанию нажав на кнопку Set Default. Поможет ли это?

Video Splitter / Re: Unable to render any audio (AAC, MP3, MPEG2)
« on: December 19, 2016, 07:10:38 PM »
Hello shatterstar6457!

Please send us the "DxDiag.txt" file to support(at)

Video Splitter / Re: Unable to render any audio (AAC, MP3, MPEG2)
« on: December 16, 2016, 04:31:14 PM »
Hello shatterstar6457!

Thank you for your reply.

Video Splitter is 32 bit application and need to have the 32 bit codecs installed on the computer.
Please try to install K-lite Codec pack. Select to install 32 bit codecs if it will be asked.

If it will not help then please send us information about DirectShow filters.

It is important to run the 32-bit DirectX Diagnostic Tool from the "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxdiag.exe".
Click the "Save All Information" button in the appeared window.

Please send us "DxDiag.txt" file that will be created.
Thank you.

Video Splitter / Re: Unable to render any audio (AAC, MP3, MPEG2)
« on: December 15, 2016, 04:18:59 PM »
Hello shatterstar6457,

Thank you for your post.

Please check:
- if there is audio device connected to you computer: speakers or headphone.
-  settings of your playback devices. For this right mouse click on the sound icon and select "Playback devices", then enable if it is enable the audio device called "Speakers" or "Headphone" by selecting this device in the list, right mouse click and select "Enable". Then make it default as it shown on the screenshot below.

Здравствуйте, Lejas!

Спасибо за ваше сообщение.
В настоящее время наши программные продукты, к сожалению, не имеют данной функции.
Возможно мы добавим ее в будущие выпуски программ.
Если такая функция появится, я напишу в этой теме.

Video Splitter / Re: Too few K frames in .mp4 output from 6.1?
« on: December 14, 2016, 05:45:35 PM »
Hello pderocco,

Thank you for your post.

1) The output file now seems to have far fewer K frames (I'm guessing) than 6.0 produced. When I open the output file in Media Player Classic Home Cinema or VLC, and try to position somewhere in the middle of the file, it often sits there for 10 seconds with the timer counting up, before it finally begins to show the video. In the older version, I could position around at will, and the proper video would appear within a fraction of a second. I've gone back to the 6.0 version (which unfortunately resurrects some other bugs), and redid the same videos, and the results are fine now.
I've tried to reproduce this issue at our end, but regrettably have not found problems with long positioning on output files in Media Player Classic.
Could you please upload for us sample of original file that you open in Video Splitter? You can use e.g. Google drive or to upload it. Also please send the project file - to get it select fragments for saving then follow to File / Save project as.

2) When moving around in the timeline, in 6.1 I often see a gray "ghost" image, as if there was no K frame available, so it tried to apply the relative frame on top of a solid gray frame. This never seems to appear in the resulting output file, though, but I suspect it's related to problem 1.

Please give us the screenshot of what you mean and upload please the file on which you see this.

3) When I open a file in the timeline, it takes a loooooong time for the thumbnails to appear. Sometimes, it takes ten or twenty seconds between thumbnails, during which time the CPU usage is zero. In 6.0, they appear at a rate of about one per second (on a fast machine).
I've checked this at our end and seems the time for thumbnails appearing is normal. Please also upload for us the input file for this case. Do you just drag the file from Media to the timeline to see thumbnails, right? 

Video Splitter / Re: Some minor issues and suggestions
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:29:49 PM »
Hello lirikCLAP,

Ok, thank you for your reply.
This is by the design of Video Splitter, but we will discuss with our team the necessity and possibility of adding of this change with thumbnails view.

Hello pallab,

Thank you for your post.

Video Splitter has two editing modes: Cut that is set by default (to delete fragments from the video) and Keep (to save some fragments) that could be set here:
1) Please select on the first step the desired mode - Keep or Cut.

To cut out fragments:

1) The "Cut" mode is selected by default in Video Splitter. Please check if it enabled.

2) Place Begin and End Markers on the timeline to select fragments need to be deleted in the output video file.
These cutted out fragments will be automatically collapsed after you place the End marker.

3) Click the "Save" button to start the editing.

After the editing progress ends, please click this button to open the resulted file .

To keep some fragments from the video we select "Keep" mode in the combobox at the bottom of the Video Splitter's window.

2) Select the fragment beginning using the video slider and by placing the Begin Marker  () or "N" hot key.

4) select the fragment end - please set the End marker - use this button () or "M" hot key.

5) Click the "Save" button and in the opened combobox select "Save".

After the editing progress ends, please click this button to open the resulted file .

If you would like to preview the selected fragments before the editing, double mouse click on any place of cutted out fragment to collapse the fragment. Please note, this step is necessary only in the "Keep" mode, for the "Cut" mode fragments are collapsed automatically after you place Begin/End markers.
So to preview output before the editing you should get the following view of the timeline:

You can also find all useful information in user manual document available at Help -> Help Topics... menu.

And see our new demo video about Video Splitter 6 here:

Was my reply helpful for you?

Video Splitter / Re: Some minor issues and suggestions
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:55:15 PM »
Hello lirikCLAP,

Thank you for your post.

When zoomed out at 100% the timeline does not show thumbnails for the entire horizontal length of the screen. You have to zoom in in order to get thumbnails to fill the entire length. It was not like this in version 5. Can you please make it so that the entire horizontal length of the timeline is used for thumbnails when the zoom is 100%.

Do you mean the space outlined in red?

For some reason sometimes the program does not remember that I closed it as a maximized window. This is been happening since version 5. Sometimes it opens as a non-maximized window that doesn't take up the full-screen. Can you make sure when it's closed is maximized that it remembers the setting? Thank you.

I've checked it on the latest 6.1 version and regrettably have not noticed such kind of issue with it. Please check it. If the problem remains, please kindly describe your sequence of actions for we could reproduced this at our end.

When resizing the timeline upward it would be good if the thumbnails also scaled in size with the increased amount of space.
Add an option to hide the menu bar to increase the amount of work space. You could make the menu accessible by other means like a button or keyboard shortcut.
Finally the project tabs above the player should be able to be hidden or moved elsewhere so they don't take up so much workspace.

Ok, we will discuss your suggestions with our team and possibly add it to Video Splitter's next releases.

I forgot one more thing. Allow the user to hide the film strip overlay on the timeline. The filmstrip overlay doesn't serve any purpose and only obscures the thumbnails which is what the user wants to be looking at. Thank you
The film strip overlay is by design, but I will forward your feature request to developers.

If any of your suggestions will be realized in the next releases, I'll post here.

Здравствуйте, vdovenkow!

Спасибо за ваше сообщение.
Ответила Вам по электронной почте.

Ramzes, да имелась ввиду бета версия 6.1.1611.26, в которой баг не присутствует.

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