« on: February 01, 2016, 06:08:59 PM »
Hello Ignat,
Thank you for your post.
Video Splitter users its own components with its own algorithm when save the file and the original file is created by means of other components. These compoments have different algorithms and therefore the file size can differ, but you will not loose frames or quality.
>>There's even more strange thing: slicing once again already rejoined file and joining it back again always give files of the same size.
It works as it should be, as you open in the Video Splitter the file that was produced previously by it and now edit it with its components with the same algorithm, thefore the result has the same file size.
"Interleave, preload duration:" is the characteristic that shows the buffer size of video before the next audio sample.
Our developer says that is ok if this characteristics dissapear after the joining as we use our own muxer for joining.
Thank you.