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Messages - Olga Krovyakova

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50] 51 52 ... 80
Video Splitter / Re: K Frame problem
« on: March 18, 2014, 10:29:18 PM »
Dear Youshi,

Please excuse me for the delayed answer,

Yes I've received your file and noticed the same issue while navigation on the K-frame.
We still work on this issue.

I'll post here as soon as there will be any news.

As the temborary solution please try to open the file in Video Splitter, click on the "Trim" buutton without selecting of any fragments and then open the resulted output file again in Video Splitter.
After such sequence of actions the k-frame navigation should work correctly.

Thank you for your patience.

Have a nice day.

Dear lupin,

Thank you for your post.

Could you please upload for us the original video file and the project file for we could reproduce this issue at our end?
To get the project file please select fragments you would like to be saved and then go to File menu -> Save project as.
Thank you in advance.


Спасибо большое за файлы.
Смотрим, тестируем.
Как будут какие-нибудь результаты, напишем здесь.

Video Splitter / Re: K Frame problem
« on: March 06, 2014, 10:29:59 PM »
Dear Youshi,

Please try to use the version available from the link below:

If the issue remains with it, it would be really helpful for us if you could send us the sample of the original file. You can upload it to any file host service, e.g. to with 2Gbs free space.

Thank you in advance.

Hello RuudNL,

Thank you for your post.

Could you please upload the sample of the original file?

You can try to use any file host service to upload it, e.g., or Google Drive.

Please send us the project file. To get it select fragments for saving then go to File -> Save project as. You can use support(at)solveigmm(dot)com.

Thank you in advance.

Video Splitter / Re: Some improvement-ideas
« on: March 01, 2014, 05:30:38 AM »
Dear MichaelR,

Thank you a lot for the interesting ideas about Video Splitter possible improvements. :)

We'll discuss with the team about possibility of their implementation to Video Splitter next updates.

I'll be posting here as soon as the new features appear.

I and I think a lot of other users use VLC-VideoPlayer a lot and my output files display a lot of artifacts in it, after the splitting is done. These do not occur in the original-files.
Could you please let us know files of what formats have you tried to edit?

Thank you in advance.
We always appreciate any feedback so please feel free to report about any issues or suggest us the new features.

Здравствуйте Олег,

Спасибо за сообщение и извините за задержку с ответом.

При просмотре склеенного ролика по телевизору, на месте склейки проскакивает черный кадр.
Уточните, пожалуйста, склеиваете ли Вы файлы с помощью Менеджера склейки Video Splitter или просто удаляете фрагмент в середине шкалы времени, склеивая при этом соседние фрагменты, помеченные на сохранение?

Скажите, пожалуйста, какую модель телевизора Вы используете? Есть ли данный черный кадр при просмотре полученного видео в каких-нибудь проигрывателях, например, Media Player Classic, Windows Media Player, VLC?

Для воспроизведения проблемы на нашей стороне не могли бы Вы прислать нам файл которые Вы пробовали отредактировать вместе с файлом проекта (или несколько файлов, если имелась ввиду склейка нескольких файлов). Чтобы получить файл проекта выберите интервалы, которые хотели бы сохранить, затем перейдите в меню Файл -> Сохранить проект как.
Укажите, пожалуйста, также время на котором в полученном видео возникает черный кадр.

Загрузить файлы можно на любой файлообменник, например,

Заранее спасибо.

Hello MichaelR,

Thank you for your post and please excuse me for the delayed answer.

the moment I start, a security-tool of mine appears, saying (translated): 'SMMVSplitter_Home.exe tries to connect with your webcam. If you want allow that, some pictures from the webcam might be captured. ...'. Unfortunately when pressing 'block', VideoSplitter terminates immediately. So I have to press 'allow' to make VideoSplitter continue. Of course I do this (with a strange feeling).
I suppose, you do not want to connect to the webcam and this is because an unnecessary call of a webcam-routine somewhere in your code..
It would be helpful to remove it
It would be helpful for us to have this security-tool, to reproduce this issue at our end. Is it possible to send it to us? If yes, you can send the link for download of this tool to support(at)solveigmm(dot)com.
Thank you in advance.

As a former user of v3, v4 is now split to two versions. So, I suppose, I can do some things with v3, which I can't do with the home-verison of v4. Right? (Perhaps command-line usage?) If yes, it would make sense to have both versions installed. Unfortunately it is not possible to install v4 without having v3 removed before. Why is this necessary (and can it be done anyway)?

You are right, command line interface and batch manager for editing of several task in one pass are available only in Business Edition version.
Version 3 of Video Splitter also supports these features that now are available only in Business Edition version.

According to our license policy only one copy of product is allowed to be installed on the single PC.
Video Splitter Home Edition and Video Splitter Business Edition are of single user type of license.
Single User means that a single copy of Solveig Multimedia software can be installed on and used with only one computer.
When multiple copies are necessary, each computer must have a separate copy of Solveig Multimedia software installed.

Therefore installation of version 4 removes all the previous installed versions of Video Splitter.

Video Splitter / Re: Font Size - Defaults Are Hard To Read
« on: March 01, 2014, 04:17:53 AM »
Dear Boyd,

Thank you for your post and please excuse for the delayed answer.

Regrettably there are no such settings to change the size of the text at the present time.
We will possibly add such feature to Video Splitter's next releases.
I'll post here if such feature appear.


Попробуйте, использовать  версию, доступную по ссылке ниже:

Будем признательны Вам за отзывы.

Video Splitter / Re: GoToMeeting codecs
« on: February 13, 2014, 04:25:35 AM »
Здравствуйте ggn196,

Спасибо за сообщение.
К сожалению, не удается воспроизвести данную  проблему с нашими файлами.
Не могли бы вы загрузить Ваш ASF файл на какой-нибудь файлообменник, напримример,

Video Splitter / Re: Waveform not showing up
« on: February 12, 2014, 12:55:20 AM »
Hello lowfatal,

Thank you for your post.

Could you please send us two screenshots: one from the Video Splitter that has the audio wave and another where there is no audio wave.
Go two Tools -> Show preview filters -> make screenshot of this window or click on the Save all and send created files from two Video Splitters.

Also please record log files from the Video Splitter that has not audio waveform. To get them enable recording of the log files in the Tools -> Looging -> Enable log. Then open your file (the waveform will not be). Then go to Tools -> Looging ->  Browse logs -> send us the content of the "Logs" folder.

Thank you in advance. 

Video Splitter / Re: Cannot register SMM_Editengine.dll
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:47:20 PM »
Dear John,

Thank you for your question.

Currently supported operating systems for our products are: Windows XP / 2000 / 2003 / Vista / Windows 7.

But you can try to install the latest version of Windows Media Player and Runtime, this should solve this issue.

To install the Windows Media Player on Windows Server 2008, you should add the Desktop Experience feature.  Go to Server Manager, then Features, then add it.  Along with the Media Player, you'll also get the ability to do themes and other Windows 7 features.  Note that some of the features must be manually enabled after installing the Desktop Experience feature.

Добрый день,

Версия 4 была выпущена.
Программа доступна по ссылкам:

Aefremov, спасибо за Ваши замечания, учтем их при разработке.

Video Splitter / Re: how to burn output file
« on: January 23, 2014, 08:35:43 PM »
Dear nicewon,

Solveig Video Splitter doesn't support creating DVD project or creating special DVD project files at the present time.
It only edits media files, that are in the list of supported file formats at the product's home page.
Possibly will add such feature to Video Splitter's next releases.

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