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Messages - Dmitry Vergeles

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Splitter 3.3 Beta with support of WEBM, VP8 video files Frame / Key frame editing and joining is available.

We appretiate any coments/hints/bug reports concerning new features.

Zond 265 / Zond 265 Archive HM 6,7,8,9 etc
« on: July 12, 2012, 12:04:29 AM »
On June 9th, 2012, new version of  Zond 265 - H.265 Analyzer issued.

Analyzer Home Page

HRD Buffer analyzing
Frames navigation modes: decoding (stream) order; output (display) order; by K-Frames; I-Frames; I,P frames. Layout menu->”Navigation modes” button
Slices bounds. Layout menu->” Slices Boundaries” button
Map of bits for largest coding units. Menu->“Compression details”->”Bits”. The darker LCU is the lesser its size and vice versa.
Reference indexes overlay. Menu->“Compression details”->”Bits”
Additional coding units info: predicted motion vectors, merge candidates, difference of MV and PMV. Tab “CU”: P(x,y) of L0,L1 lists; merge_idx (order number in a candidate list); D(x,y) of L0,L1 lists, correspondingly.
Combined transform partition grid for separate components - Y, Cb,Cr. Menu->”Prediction partitions” button
Shows an opened file, list of recently opened files, copies a file name to a clipboard, opens an input folder. Upper left part of layout

Memory usage optimization
If unfold a header to be at the bottom of a bitstream list, it’s moved upwards to show its data

Timeline ruler in frames added
Information panel with tabs became resizable
Timeline and Information panels can be hidden maximizing picture preview
Notices a version of the reference software Zond is compatible with. Upper right part of layout
Motion vectors get depicted more clearly

Video Splitter / Re: Video Splitter *.WTV Support?
« on: July 08, 2012, 09:59:47 PM »
but I was just trying to save a step :)

Right, that's actually what the  the Splitter is intended to. These formats are just not implemented yet :(

Video Splitter / Re: Video Splitter *.WTV Support?
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:35:31 AM »
Hi subsee2002,

Thank you for uploading us the files. Unfortunately neither WTV nor it's predecessor DVR-MS are not supported by the Splitter at the moment.
You can either convert those videos or re-multiplex, which would be better for quality with some 3-rd party tools to MPEG-2 Program Stream that you  can easily edit by the Splitter. May be we'll add them in further versions.

SolveigMM AVI Trimmer / Re: batch trim mkv files
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:02:56 PM »
Hi rhat,

thank you for the interest to ou software.
Please find both batch processing and command line interface in out Video Splitter, as free AVI trimmer don't have a big variety of features

The full programs comparision can be found by this link:

Video Splitter / Re: How to use marker
« on: June 11, 2012, 04:13:13 PM »
Hi cheerful,

Here is a youtube clipp to demonstate a framgent  saving, begins from 1:03

Video Splitter / Re: Error when joining m4v (H.264)
« on: June 11, 2012, 04:06:59 PM »
could you please upload us a small sample of such a file where you have a problem described?

Video Splitter / Re: End point at non-K frame
« on: June 11, 2012, 04:05:31 PM »
Yes, if you ues K-Frame accuracy mode, K-Frame is only necessary for a segment start, and it's end can be set to arbitrary position with frame accuracy.
i't hard to say what's wrong with a soft you've menioned, as it does not look as something common.

Hi cheerful,

Thank you for your interest. At the moment thata is the only way to merge segments from different files.

1 Почему редактор не берёт *.h264 *.264 видеопоследовательность, но берёт когда она лежит в матрёшке? Планируется ли поддержка такого формата вводных/выходных данных без матрёшки?

Сплиттер вполне поддерживает элементарные потоки видео как для h264 так и для мпег2/мпег1, так что все должно открываться и работать

Zond 265 / Re: Zond 265. 1st version
« on: May 23, 2012, 12:02:33 AM »
Version 1.0.1205.22, 2012-05-22

Сompatible with reference software HM 7.0rc2

Zond 265 / Zond 265. 1st version
« on: May 21, 2012, 03:55:52 PM »
On May 7th, 2012, we've issued the first to the market H.265 Analyzer called Zond 265.

Analyzer Home Page

Press release

Features List:
- Сompatible with reference software HM 6.2 r2238
- Frame navigation based on frames bars in decoding or display order
- Frames size histogram
- Color highlighting of different kind of frames (I, B, P).
- Marking of reference frames for a current picture
- Visual presentation of data from all levels of a video stream and decoding stages
- Showing all headers with a content.
- Showing Headers sizes and offsets within a stream
- Highlighting of a slice and related headers (SPS, PPS, etc.) of a current frame
- Showing pixels predicted, reconstructed, after deblocking and adaptive loop filtration
- Showing CU data: coordinates, dimension and bit-size
- Color highlighting different types of CUs (Inter, Intra)
- Showing PU data: a spatial prediction mode of intra PU luma and chroma components
- Showing inter PU’s motion vectors, reference lists, reference indexes.
- Showing TU data: dimension and offset within CU. Luma and chroma coefficients before de-quantization.
- Overlay a frame with a CU, PU or TU grid and motion vectors
- Showing bits distribution statistics to be used while encoding of CU, PU and TU data (skip_mb_flag, merge_flag, mvd, cbf_luma, etc.). Displaying results as a pie chart and table

Video Splitter / Re: Frame accuracy trim on WMV shows artifacts
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:07:38 AM »
Hi.  It is registered under National Basketball Association.

Ok, thanks. We'll check an issue quite shortly. The easiest way to get a right XTL, is to configure your project in the Splitter (visually) and save the project.

Video Splitter / Re: Frame accuracy trim on WMV shows artifacts
« on: May 17, 2012, 09:47:25 PM »
Hi snapcoyote,

Could you please let us know your real name to identify your purchase (as we only support registered users)?

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