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General Discussion / Re: Hi guys!
« Last post by cecoja9075 on Today at 01:32:47 AM »
I was also looking for a simple way to improve communication and found a great solution. You can learn how to set up phone extensions on The service allows you to create unique numbers for each department, which speeds up service and makes communication with customers more convenient.
General Discussion / Hi guys!
« Last post by dewasig516 on Today at 01:28:57 AM »
I want clients to be able to quickly contact the right department in the company. How can I do this?
Video Splitter / Re: Video lags audio after edits
« Last post by Olga Krovyakova on Yesterday at 05:39:54 PM »
Hello Dwight,

Thank you for your post.
Could you please send us the original input file that you open in Video Splitter and the project file? You can upload it to any file sharing service, e.g. Google drive ( or

To get the project file open the input file in Video Splitter, set fragments for saving and deleting then go to File menu -> Save project as and select folder to save the project file.

Here is the guideline on how to upload files if needed.

Thank you in advance!
Video Splitter / Re: Video lags audio after edits
« Last post by Dwight on Yesterday at 08:24:04 AM »

After editing a number of video files with external SRT files editing disabled, I found this works most of the time -- but not all of the time. A 71-min video file I recently edited that included internal SRT  file editing also went out of sync (300 ms) at an edit around the 16-minute.

Hello ausfahrt,

Thank you for your post.
You can find some recommendations in these guidelines:

How to achieve good video quality using HyperCam

How to make a voiceover for your recordings
General Discussion / Best Settings for High-Quality Screen Recording in HyperCam?
« Last post by ausfahrt on March 12, 2025, 01:51:08 PM »
I recently started using HyperCam for screen recording, and I’m looking to get the best possible video quality without huge file sizes. Right now, my recordings sometimes look a bit blurry, especially when there’s a lot of motion on the screen.

Does anyone have recommendations for the best settings (codec, resolution, frame rate, bitrate, etc.) to balance quality and performance? I’m mainly recording tutorials and gameplay footage. Also, any tips on optimizing audio settings for clear voice recording would be really helpful!

Thank you for letting us know about your result.
If there will be any questions, please let us know.
Many thanks, it's working again. As I already mentionend, as I use just basic trimming of MP4 videos, V7.x is still enough for me.
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