Author Topic: SolveigMM AVITrimmer Problem...  (Read 25258 times)
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« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 04:57:52 AM »
Quote from: "acehlis"

I'm having a specific problem while trying to use the AVITrimmer (latest version) installed under Windows Vista. Whenever I try to further trim an AVI-file that has been trimmed before (with Solveig AVITrimmer as well), the program shuts down with the error message that "AVITrimmerApp MFC Application has encountered a problem and needs to close".

Is there anything I can do to overcome this problem or is cutting an already trimmed AVI-file simply not possible (though I was able to do just that with earlier versions of the program)? Or could this problem be due to Windows Vista (it wouldn't really surprise me...)?

Thanks in advance for any information!

Hello acehlis,

Thank you for feedback.
Could you send us a small fragment of a resulted file you have problem with?
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2007, 07:14:46 PM »

I'm having a specific problem while trying to use the AVITrimmer (latest version) installed under Windows Vista. Whenever I try to further trim an AVI-file that has been trimmed before (with Solveig AVITrimmer as well), the program shuts down with the error message that "AVITrimmerApp MFC Application has encountered a problem and needs to close".

Is there anything I can do to overcome this problem or is cutting an already trimmed AVI-file simply not possible (though I was able to do just that with earlier versions of the program)? Or could this problem be due to Windows Vista (it wouldn't really surprise me...)?

Thanks in advance for any information!