Author Topic: First few seconds in trimmed video shows no movement (freeze frames)  (Read 15571 times)
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« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2012, 04:29:41 PM »
Hello Mike,

Please take my apologies for the delayed answer.

First I had crashes / hangs when trying to save trimmed video. Moved files to local C drive and that seemed to fix it (quite annoying).

Am I right that you have tried to edit your file from some kind of external device (USB stick, external hard drive) or network folder? Do you get hangs when you click on the Trim button or on any other stage (please specify what exactly)?
If you could upload for us the file that you have tried to edit this will be very helpful for us.
Please upload also or send to support(at)solveigmm(dot)com the project file (File -> Save Project As).

Log files could be also be helful for us:

Now next problem: first few seconds in trimmed video shows no movement (freeze frames). It looks like SolveigMM video splitter is adding many frames with the same content. This is bad as we are trying to make video repeat. Then these freezed frames completely fucks up our repeat loop! Is this intentional or a bug?

Could you please upload your file for we could try to reproduce the problem on our end? You can upload it to e.g.

Thank you for your patience.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 04:34:39 PM by Olga Krovyakova »
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 04:59:50 PM »
Attention tech support dept:

I am awaiting an answer from support on this issue. I must say that I start to worry about the quality of SolveigMuletimedia support if it takes several days to come back to an issue like this. Is that normal practice? I am considering purchasing the software, but I dont think I will do it or recoomend it if the support isn't better.

As mentioned: the first few seconds of video when played back on WMP freezes. Other video that I have checked in WMP plays and loops just fine. It must therefore be an issue with SolveigMM video trimming software. Please respond.

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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 07:06:26 PM »
I am evaluating SolveigMM video splitter. First I had crashes / hangs when trying to save trimmed video. Moved files to local C drive and that seemed to fix it (quite annoying). Now next problem: first few seconds in trimmed video shows no movement (freeze frames). It looks like SolveigMM video splitter is adding many frames with the same content. This is bad as we are trying to make video repeat. Then these freezed frames completely fucks up our repeat loop! Is this intentional or a bug?