Author Topic: Freeze - Crash while editing video files and on output segment as well  (Read 60396 times)
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« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2018, 07:14:20 AM »
here is a new crash i have it often when using the software. not sure if it's related to same issue we talked in private earlier . i'm still using my counterdesign shuttle express to move in the slider, because i can't do it an another way, i'm a hand disabled person, if i stop using it, i must stop using your software (and many others). it's just a device which send shortcut keys anyway, nothing else.
but in this case, it's happen just while editing ONE file, not several one.
here it crashed on a Mp4 file. (one hour long). 1.2 Gb.

the software crashed, by closing itself immediatly without showing any error message except in the windows log :

Nom de l’application dĂ©faillante SMMVSplitter_Home.exe, version : 6.1.1808.3, horodatage : 0x5b642c96
Nom du module défaillant : SMM_OCXSlider.ocx, version : 1.6.1805.31, horodatage : 0x5b0fa2cc
Code d’exception : 0xc000041d
DĂ©calage d’erreur : 0x0002d302
ID du processus défaillant : 0x2b94
Heure de dĂ©but de l’application dĂ©faillante : 0x01d4380f614f9fa2
Chemin d’accĂšs de l’application dĂ©faillante : C:\Program Files (x86)\Solveig Multimedia\SolveigMM Video Splitter Home Edition\SMMVSplitter_Home.exe
Chemin d’accĂšs du module dĂ©faillant: C:\Program Files (x86)\Solveig Multimedia\SolveigMM Video Splitter Home Edition\SMM_OCXSlider.ocx
ID de rapport : 64a45572-5662-4758-94da-8d832c9863de
Nom complet du package défaillant :
ID de l’application relative au package dĂ©faillant :

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« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2018, 11:12:36 PM »
1) I get freezes and crashes just about every session.
2) There is hardly a session I don't have to recur to saved project data, because the program crashes.
3) It crashes sometimes when wanting to place a marker
4) sometimes when trying to scroll through the video with the arrow keys.
5) When trying to save separate fragments it usually stays at 0% and has to be closed through task manager.
6) I rarely have been able to save fragments without a problem.
7) In the current version a fluent workflow is near impossible
8) and though I did like the product it seems that it has become useless.
9) Another annoyance is that when using the arrow keys to step through the video, one has to first click into the timeline to ensure the focus is on the timeline and not on the media explorer.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 = Same.

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« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2018, 10:58:06 PM »
I have the most recent version installed 6.1.1803.03 on a Windows 10 PC.

I mostly do cut my mavic pro, or gopro footage, which btw is 1080p50.

I get freezes and crashes just about every session. There is hardly a session I don't have to recur to saved project data, because the program crashes. I did never have so many freezes and crashes as since version 6. Almost considering to go back to Version 5.

It crashes sometimes when wanting to place a marker, sometimes when trying to scroll through the video with the arrow keys.

I also get crashes when I remove footage from the media list.  :(

When trying to save separate fragments it usually stays at 0% and has to be closed through task manager. So I have given up to try to save fragments. I rarely have been able to save fragments without a problem.

In the current version a fluent workflow is near impossible, and though I did like the product it seems that it has become useless.

Another annoyance is that when using the arrow keys to step through the video, one has to first click into the timeline to ensure the focus is on the timeline and not on the media explorer.

With earlier versions I did not encounter so many problems.

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« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2018, 08:05:47 PM »
Hello dramagurl, ChanceCon, cmhdrea,
Please try the latest release version of Video Splitter (currently 6.1.1808.03), and if your problem is not solved, please send your problem file to the technical support or to me directly, also please include a trimming project (can be saved in "File"-"Save Project As" menu) and describe how to reproduce the error.

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« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2018, 01:19:07 AM »
6.0 control interface maybe had some error design...
Because 5.0 run the same video to cut very well...

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« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2018, 07:58:02 PM »
Was this issue fixed btw? I'm considering coming back to this software because I really liked it before, but I want to avoid stuff like this.

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Hello Marty, please check your personal messages.

Please pay attention to the actions order:
First you should launch the Video Splitter application.
After that run the Dump.bat and reproduce your crash.
Do not close the Video Splitter, but if you did, you should close the console too and then run it again after the Video Splitter.

good news ! i Succeded to reproduce the issue ! i I was watching the console with the dump, and an "exception" (error number ?) has been written excatly when the cursor read the second video in the time line. before the software crash i could move the cursor a bit but clicking to put a marker crashed completly the software (it make a blank transparent picture on the window (kind of graphic error).

i'll put tomorrow the  Dump on my onedrive account and will send it  to you in private !

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Thank you so much marty. :) I have fixed the problem (An uninstall and re installation)

I did nothing ! lol. which issue did you fixed ?

my issue is not fixed yet because i'm lazy and actually edit files (NDA) i don't want their name or info in the dump..
but i can reproduct it (but not without my usb counterdesign shuttleXpress). the software crash when i try to find a specific frame to cut, at the "jonction" between two video files in the timeline. by crash, i mean "infinite freeze". the software doesn't exit and doesn't provide an error message.

i have rendering problem too, like sometimes, the software freeze during the Save As, after a while. only way is to kill it and reload the backup project to continue the editing.
when importing multiple mp4 or mkv in the timeline, after a while, while navigating through the timeline, there is a freeze as well which never stop. (i don't use thumbnails feature or audio waveform, they are not displayed).
if there is only one file in the timeline, when the freeze happen, it's happening during 5 seconds and the freeze stop and i can continue to work. the issue only happens when using multiple file and not at each session.

it's very annoying, because this issue only started to happen in a recent version.

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Thank you so much marty. :) I have fixed the problem (An uninstall and re installation)

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Hello Marty, please check your personal messages.

Please pay attention to the actions order:
First you should launch the Video Splitter application.
After that run the Dump.bat and reproduce your crash.
Do not close the Video Splitter, but if you did, you should close the console too and then run it again after the Video Splitter.

Thanks, i just checked it, i'm doing the right procedure so i'll be able to run the dump all the time until the error happen ! thanks !

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Hello Marty, please check your personal messages.

Please pay attention to the actions order:
First you should launch the Video Splitter application.
After that run the Dump.bat and reproduce your crash.
Do not close the Video Splitter, but if you did, you should close the console too and then run it again after the Video Splitter.

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Hello Marty,
Sorry for the delay with the answer.

4) Go inside the "procdump" folder and launch the Dump.bat.
5) After that, reproduce the error that you described in your second post. Wait some time when the dump file will be saved. It should present in the same folder "procdump".
Please send me that file.


i Need more tries (as the issue is a random one) to record a dump during the issue, but the link you gave is a trial. i tried to register it with my licence but it's not working. what must i do ? i only have a "one try" left...

as well, when i launch the .bat file, and i'm doing my edit AFTER it, it's tell "press a key to continue" and close. must i press this key once i finished the edit session ?
is it the way to do it ? i launch your software, i launch the .bat, i do the edit until the crash happen, go back to the console, press key and then send you the dump ?

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Hello Marty,
Sorry for the delay with the answer.

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the error as you described. I would like to ask you to create and send me a dump file.
To do it, 1) please download the archive containing the portable version of video splitter by the following link.
2) Extract it to any folder.
3) Go to that folder and launch the SMMVSplitter_Home.exe. Do not load any files on this step.
4) Go inside the "procdump" folder and launch the Dump.bat.
5) After that, reproduce the error that you described in your second post. Wait some time when the dump file will be saved. It should present in the same folder "procdump".
Please send me that file.

ok, thanks i will do that ! :)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2021, 06:33:40 PM by Maxim.Sakhankov »

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Hello Marty,
Sorry for the delay with the answer.

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the error as you described. I would like to ask you to create and send me a dump file.
To do it, 1) please download the archive containing the portable version of video splitter by the following link.
2) Extract it to any folder.
3) Go to that folder and launch the SMMVSplitter_Home.exe. Do not load any files on this step.
4) Go inside the "procdump" folder and launch the Dump.bat.
5) After that, reproduce the error that you described in your second post. Wait some time when the dump file will be saved. It should present in the same folder "procdump".
Please send me that file.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2021, 06:33:25 PM by Maxim.Sakhankov »

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Hi Marty,
All are on board, no worries :)
Sorry for delay this week it's state vacation in Russia. You'll get reply tomorrow.
Stay tuned :)

Oups, ok, sorry :)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 04:55:24 AM by Marty »