Author Topic: Having a maddeningly difficult time with simple selection operations  (Read 12986 times)
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« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2015, 12:48:28 AM »
Hello kshetline,

Thank you for your post.

Seems you have put the slider on the second fragment that you would like to be deleted and right clicked on the timeline to choose "Save the selected fragment as". In this case the fragment that was selected for cutting out will be saved.

If you would like to save the first fragment please move the video slider to this fragment at first (its color will be changed to orange) and right mouse click then and select "Save Selected Fragment As..." (see picture below). 

If I'm wrong regarding your actions and selection, please send us screenshots of your step-by-step actions with the description.
You can send them in email to our support address (support(at)solveigmm(dot)com) or upload to any file host service.

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2015, 02:44:10 AM »
I can't imagine that this would be a limitation of the trial version of Video Splitter, but is it? If so, not a good way to convince people to buy!

Nothing I do with a selection seems to stick. I mark off an area, click cut, and just when I think I've accomplished something and try to do another cut, the whole selection moves to the new area I've marked off, with nothing remaining on the timeline to indicate that a cut was made in the place I'd previously marked.

When I try to save the current selection, all that happens is that everything from the end of my selection to the end of the video gets saved, not the actually selection.

All I want to do is the simple task of trimming the start and end of a short video. The only thing that has worked so far is to mark the section I want to keep, use the "save all fragments" option, and then use the second of the three files created that way.

I've looked at your tutorials and examples. This software simply doesn't respond in the manner described. I'm hardly new to this sort of thing, I have quite successfully used other video editing software before, so it's not as if I don't know which end of the mouse to grab -- even though this software has been so frustrating for me that I'm beginning to feel that way.

Either I'm missing something that should be obvious to me, but isn't, this software is terribly broken on my computer (I'm sure it must work properly for plenty of other people), or this is a really bad idea for limiting the trial software.

The operation of this software would certainly be clearer if there were distinctly different start and end markers for selections, not just generic markers which can contextually serve as either start or end markers.