Author Topic: Is Biz edition only way to run batch and what is the upgrade price?  (Read 17563 times)
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« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 12:51:00 AM »
Hi Olga

Thanks for the info....

Will consider the options then.


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« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2015, 03:04:10 AM »

I've checked our emails and regrettably have not found your email among them.

You can use Batch Manager of Video Splitter Business Edition to process all videos in one pass. After marking fragments for saving you need to add task to batch queue. Then process the Batch Manager editing task.
Here are several guidelines that could be helpful for you:

Note that .ssp file is the project file and can not be opened in Batch Manager. Batch Manager uses .xtl files.
If you open .ssp file in Home Edition version only one file will be processed.

2)   Can I do this (step d in batch mode) without needing to buy the Business edition for the batch mode utility? Is there a cheaper/scale-down version or a separate batch utility for home users like me where I normally record quite a number of shows from free-to-air shows and just using this software to remove adverts?

Unfortunately there is no cheaper/scale-down version and no separate batch utility in Home Edition version.

The upgrade from Home Edition to Business Edition costs $149.05 or 109.05 euro.
If you decide to upgrade to Business Edition version please write us at support(at)solveigmm(dot)com with your personal information.

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 12:34:41 AM »

Had written to support 1 week ago but never got a reply so think I try my luck here then.

I normally have a list of recordings on a weekly basis where I need to trim out adverts, and these are the steps I normally take,
a)   Run “Index MPEG files in a folder” on the folder containing my raw videos.
b)   Run thru’ each video and mark out all the adverts.
c)   Save the video as a .ssp project file first.
d)   Once all the videos are done, load each .ssp file and trim the videos.

I believe these can be done in batch mode, esp. the last step (d) where I just want to trim the videos by just running thru’ the list of .ssp files.


1)   Can I confirm that the batch mode in the Business edition can do this (step d)?
2)   Can I do this (step d in batch mode) without needing to buy the Business edition for the batch mode utility? Is there a cheaper/scale-down version or a separate batch utility for home users like me where I normally record quite a number of shows from free-to-air shows and just using this software to remove adverts?
3)   If not, how much does it cost to upgrade from my Home Edition to a Business Edition?

P.S. There are macro recorders (free ones too) which I can easily use but I thought I would check if I can get a cheaper “integrated” solution first.