Author Topic: Joining AVI,ASF,WMV,MP3,WMA feature beta-testing  (Read 32367 times)
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« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2008, 02:17:52 PM »
Hi Gonzo,

Thank you very much for description, we will see what we can do about all mentioned glitches.
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2008, 10:59:04 AM »
Heh, well you mean upload the actual music files? Well.. i mean, it's just basically any vbr mp3 you would have laying around. If you have a CBR mp3 and VBR mp3, you can easily see what happens. The CBR will cut perfectly where you end it. But the VBRs leave about 4-5 seconds over the spot you end the split. I used a 192kbit CBR mp3 and it split perfectly where i cut it. But when i used a V0 VBR mp3, well the point where i ended the cut, i get about 4 seconds more.

Also, the seeking is kind of a hassle too, but nothing too major. I always have to pause the mp3, in order to seek/search. If i use the slider while its playing, it skips and locks up for a few secs and repeats random pieces and takes about 6-8seconds to recover. So i always have to pause, mark it, search, play, pause, mark, etc, rather than just have it playing as i skip around with the slider.

My only main complaint is just the extra 4-5 seconds or so that gets added on to the end of a split when working with VBR mp3s. Now i could convert them to a CBR bitrate myself, but thats an extra step people will not want to deal with. Just so you know too, this only happens with MUSIC files. When i split xvids/wmvs that use VBR audio, it always cuts them perfectly where i split.

Btw, the joiner problem i mentioned can now be disregarded. Its normal for some info in the tags to get out of sync when joining 2 files, since you cant obviously have the same exact title name and bitrate info listed twice lol. Two VBR files when joined, always shows the first track's time. With two CBR mp3s, well the time is shown as the sum of both, but...thats really not a big issue and probably not possible to fix anyways, as thats probably how the mp3 codec works in that case.

Oh i forgot something else too. Just now i cut an Xvid that uses LAME codec as the audio. The piece i cut still shows LAME. However, when cutting a single MP3 that uses LAME, the cut piece shows as FHG. Most people will prefer the cut MP3 to be exactly the same as the original, with the tags and all info carried over. Im not sure if its re-encoding it, as the bitrate is still the same, but something in the program is using FHG when it splits mp3s.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 11:08:33 AM by Gonzo »

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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2008, 09:17:59 AM »
Hi Gonzo,

Thank you for detailed report. Could you upload us the original files to reproduce all the mentioned problems?

As for MPEG-1, while the answer remains same as here - :)
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2008, 10:48:13 PM »
Btw, Dmitry, i wanted to add something here. When i trim an MP3 too, it gives me too much of the end. Like i always hear an extra 5seconds of the end piece i split. Is there anyway i can stop this. Is it some keyframe issue or something?

Edit: Just realized it only does this on VBR mp3s. A couple other splitters i tried do the same thing as well. Wish there was a way to stop that from happening  :(
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 04:11:33 AM by Gonzo »

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« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2008, 11:02:09 PM »
Ok Dmitry, i just tested out 2 mp3's to join up. Now it does work fine, no quality loss and it plays perfectly. Just some minor things to point out. Take a look at this pic i took of the orginal files and the joined file:

Notice the TIME of the 1st song is 4:46. The 2nd is 6:36. But see how the joined file is showing the time of the 1st song? Also, both tracks are 192k (they were originally V0 VBR, but i reencoded them to 192 as to avoid any VBR problems, since joining two VBR files usually dont come out right since the rates arent truly the same..but i tested that too and still worked, albeit, with the same time/info discrepancies).

Basically, the time of the joined file should be the sum of both the tracks, but it only shows as the 1st track's time. Also, the bitrate should be 192, not 457. (Realistically, its still 192, yet the program decides to add a larger number or combine them hehe). Anyway thats possible of clearing up? I used a joiner in the past and dont remember seeing the info/time being misrepresented.

Overall though, the files do join and play fine, so nice work.  ;D

And what about the MPG1 video support, any news?  :-\
« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 11:04:38 PM by Gonzo »

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« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 02:18:35 PM »
Hi Folks,

By enormous customers request of joining feature we are in a few steps to upload Video Splitter 2.3 with enabled AVI,ASF,WMV,MP3,WMA files joining.
Here is the alpha version of the Splitter.

Joining operates in file by file mode for only files with similar parameters.

It is available via menu->Joining Manager.

We would appreciate for any bug reports/ improvement suggestions / feature requests / enhancements.
Thanks in advance!:)

Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia