Author Topic: Joining same input files several times produce output files with different size.  (Read 23908 times)
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Hello Ignat Miller,

Thak you for the file.

I've reproduced the issue you have reported.

As soon as it will be fixed, we post the updated version here.
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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I use Tools > Slicing.

Sorry for link being broken. Here it goes again.
I compressed the footage, so now it's somewhat smaller.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 06:10:59 AM by Ignat Miller »

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Hello Ignat Miller,

Could you please specify if you use Tools -> Slicing feature for this or you set markers then select "Save all fragments as"?

The link to the file you have provided in the first post unfortunately doesn't work, could you please fix it and upload the file?

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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Olga, thank you for fast response. I understand all your explanations, but you missed one thing in your reply.

Why joining exactly same slices made by your software from my original input video each time produces output files with different size (but equal size on disk)? Also, take a notice that if I cut let's say first 5 minutes of my original input file with your software, than slice this 5 min file into pieces and join them back I will not get same size, while both files are produced by your software with your algorithms and by logic should be equal size.

Any ideas?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 09:09:24 PM by Ignat Miller »

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Hello Ignat,

Thank you for your post.

Video Splitter users its own components with its own algorithm when save the file and the original file is created by means of other components. These compoments have different algorithms and therefore the file size can differ, but you will not loose frames or quality.

>>There's even more strange thing: slicing once again already rejoined file and joining it back again always give files of the same size.

It works as it should be, as you open in the Video Splitter the file that was produced previously by it and now edit it with its components with the same algorithm, thefore the result has the same file size.

"Interleave, preload duration:" is the characteristic that shows the buffer size of video before the next audio sample.
Our developer says that is ok if this characteristics dissapear after the joining as we use our own muxer for joining.

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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Just to make sure you get me right:

Slicing original video file than joining slices back produce smaller output file than original input.
Joining same slices of original video again and again each time produces output files with different size, but equal size on disk.
After that slicing already rejoined video and joining it back again and again each time produce output files with same size as expected.

I have multiple files I want to slice, and slicing & joining any of them give same improper result.

Here's the link to the smallest one (though it's 5Gb):!75047&authkey=!AE-j8qsLrOVYDsI&ithint=video%2cavi

File properties by MediaInfo:

Format: AVI
Format/Info: Audio Video Interleave
Commercial name: DVCPRO
Format profile: OpenDML
File size: 4.94 GiB
Duration: 23mn 9s
Overall bit rate mode: Constant
Overall bit rate: 30.5 Mbps

ID: 0
Format: DV
Commercial name: DVCPRO
Codec ID: dvsd
Codec ID/Hint: Sony
Duration: 23mn 9s
Bit rate mode: Constant
Bit rate: 24.4 Mbps
Encoded bit rate: 28.8 Mbps
Width: 720 pixels
Height: 576 pixels
Display aspect ratio: 4:3
Frame rate mode: Constant
Frame rate: 25.000 fps
Standard: PAL
Color space: YUV
Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0
Bit depth: 8 bits
Scan type: Interlaced
Scan order: Bottom Field First
Compression mode: Lossy
Bits/(Pixel*Frame): 2.357
Stream size: 4.66 GiB (94%)

ID: 1
Format: PCM
Format settings, Endianness: Little
Format settings, Sign: Signed
Codec ID: 1
Duration: 23mn 9s
Bit rate mode: Constant
Bit rate: 1 536 Kbps
Channel(s): 2 channels
Sampling rate: 48.0 KHz
Bit depth: 16 bits
Stream size: 254 MiB (5%)
Alignment: Aligned on interleaves
Interleave, duration: 10 ms (0.25 video frame)
Interleave, preload duration: 2990 ms
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 05:51:10 PM by Ignat Miller »

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Windows 8.1
SolveigMM Video Splitter 5.2.1512.16
Input file: AVI DVXPRO (dvsd)

After slicing my original input file and joining slices back my original file size and rejoined file size don't match. Rejoined file is somewhat smaller than original. I can't notice any visual or audio differences between original and rejoined files when I playback both. Checking both files with MediaInfo showed that rejoined file is missing "Interleave, preload duration: 2990 ms" property. Tried to google it, but couldn't find what this property is about. Can you clarify this for me please? Why sizes differ and what's the function of "interleave preload duration"?

I did some testing and there are a few more things you might want to know: multiple runs of joining same input slices back give me different output "file size" values, while there's really strange thing happening - their "file size on disk" values are exactly the same. Probably it's somehow related to disk write process.

There's even more strange thing: slicing once again already rejoined file and joining it back again always give files of the same size.

Slicing original file with same parameters (for example by duration) always produce slices that are exactly same size in term of slicing instances.