Author Topic: SolveigMM Video Spliter 2.1.810.30 Update  (Read 17500 times)
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« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2008, 02:09:12 PM »
Version 2.1.810.30 Update.  Release Date: October 30, 2008

- Inaccurate editing of DVD VOB files. End positions of fragments set to be kept in output mismatched with set positions. Up to 10 frames in each fragment could be more than required
- Fixed problem - if to open  MPEG-2 with LPCM audio and try to edit that, the Splitter generated error - "Connecting additional trimmer pin with Muxer has been filed. hr = 0x80040207"
- Video screen did not redraw while dragging or maximizing the main window
- Fixed a crash arisen while trimming some AVI files with MP3 audio
- Fixed navigation problem - when you navigate slider cursor between markers by TAB and then try to seek to one frame left/right,  a current marker was navigated instead of a slider cursor
- Fixed bug - when one tried to open SSP or XTL project with reference to index file(MLMIX) for MPEG-2 files > 4GB, splitter delivered message - "Source file is not supported or damaged"
- Clip Scr file in SSP or XTL project showed incorrectly (e.g. if it was "C:\temp\file.vob" it showed  "C:\temp\.\file.vob")
- If there was turned on - "Obey Sample Times" feature  - obey_sample_times="1" flag was written twice to XTL or SSP  that caused error in attempt to open such XTL or SSP file
- LPCM audio in MPEG-2 wrong detection. The splitter showed Unknown audio type
- Fixed a false alarm of possible File rewriting. If you opened some SSP, and changed an output file name then if it even did not exist the Splitter generated the warning
- Fixed bug. If to open SSP file with set output file that can't be created and start processing, the Splitter fulfilled task but did not create an output. Now it generates an error

- To improve usability added *.SSP file filter on Open Media File dialog
- Starting, "Time Calculator" now shows the difference between two nearest markers relatively the slide cursor position
- If opening SSP file the Splitter does not find Clip Scar file (e.g. it was moved to other folder) it asks a user to specify it rather then error deliver
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia