Author Topic: Some minor issues and suggestions  (Read 26889 times)
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« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2017, 09:32:38 PM »
Okay well believe it or not some people use your program to get real work done and things like filmstrip overlays are a nuisance at best. Thank you.

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« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2017, 06:27:52 PM »
Hi lirikCLAP,

Thank you for your request.
If we add such option to hide filmstrip overlay on the thumbnails of the timeline, we will post here.

Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2017, 06:25:50 PM »
The filmstrip overlay is still getting in the way of seeing the top and bottom of the video. It is anti-user and only serves the vanity of the user interface designers. Please give us an option to remove it thank you.

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« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2016, 03:23:23 AM »
The filmstrip obscures parts of the thumbnails that your users want to see. There is 0 purpose for the filmstrip to exist, your company is not Apple Computer, pointless things like filmstrips that make the user experience worse should not be in the program. Or the user should be able to disable them at least. Myself and other users user program for work not for looking at pointless effects like filmstrips. Thank you

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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2016, 07:29:49 PM »
Hello lirikCLAP,

Ok, thank you for your reply.
This is by the design of Video Splitter, but we will discuss with our team the necessity and possibility of adding of this change with thumbnails view.
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2016, 09:14:10 PM »
Yes that space outlined in red is what I was referring to. That space is only taken up if you zoom in. I would like that space to be used for thumbnails even if it is not zoomed in. Thank you

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« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2016, 06:55:15 PM »
Hello lirikCLAP,

Thank you for your post.

When zoomed out at 100% the timeline does not show thumbnails for the entire horizontal length of the screen. You have to zoom in in order to get thumbnails to fill the entire length. It was not like this in version 5. Can you please make it so that the entire horizontal length of the timeline is used for thumbnails when the zoom is 100%.

Do you mean the space outlined in red?

For some reason sometimes the program does not remember that I closed it as a maximized window. This is been happening since version 5. Sometimes it opens as a non-maximized window that doesn't take up the full-screen. Can you make sure when it's closed is maximized that it remembers the setting? Thank you.

I've checked it on the latest 6.1 version and regrettably have not noticed such kind of issue with it. Please check it. If the problem remains, please kindly describe your sequence of actions for we could reproduced this at our end.

When resizing the timeline upward it would be good if the thumbnails also scaled in size with the increased amount of space.
Add an option to hide the menu bar to increase the amount of work space. You could make the menu accessible by other means like a button or keyboard shortcut.
Finally the project tabs above the player should be able to be hidden or moved elsewhere so they don't take up so much workspace.

Ok, we will discuss your suggestions with our team and possibly add it to Video Splitter's next releases.

I forgot one more thing. Allow the user to hide the film strip overlay on the timeline. The filmstrip overlay doesn't serve any purpose and only obscures the thumbnails which is what the user wants to be looking at. Thank you
The film strip overlay is by design, but I will forward your feature request to developers.

If any of your suggestions will be realized in the next releases, I'll post here.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2021, 11:18:12 AM by Maxim.Sakhankov »
Best Regards,
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2016, 04:24:41 AM »
I forgot one more thing. Allow the user to hide the film strip overlay on the timeline. The filmstrip overlay doesn't serve any purpose and only obscures the thumbnails which is what the user wants to be looking at. Thank you

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« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2016, 11:04:17 PM »
Hello thank you for fixing the previous issues I had with version 6. I have a few more minor issues and suggestions.

When zoomed out at 100% the timeline does not show thumbnails for the entire horizontal length of the screen. You have to zoom in in order to get thumbnails to fill the entire length. It was not like this in version 5. Can you please make it so that the entire horizontal length of the timeline is used for thumbnails when the zoom is 100%.

For some reason sometimes the program does not remember that I closed it as a maximized window. This is been happening since version 5. Sometimes it opens as a non-maximized window that doesn't take up the full-screen. Can you make sure when it's closed is maximized that it remembers the setting? Thank you.

When resizing the timeline upward it would be good if the thumbnails also scaled in size with the increased amount of space.

Add an option to hide the menu bar to increase the amount of work space. You could make the menu accessible by other means like a button or keyboard shortcut.

Finally the project tabs above the player should be able to be hidden or moved elsewhere so they don't take up so much workspace.

Thank you again and listening to feedback.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2016, 11:10:14 PM by lirikCLAP »