Hello reebok,
I just tried to make an ssp project in a "time10ms" format and it seem to open OK in Video Splitter. Please check that the data of your ssp file is correct. Also, please keep in mind, that the timeFormat=... attribute can be omitted in case of the "time10ms".
See more details
If you would like to convert the time to 100ns units, you should do as follows.
Let's say you have the following time stamp: hh:mm:ss:ms (hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds)
First you should convert this time stamp into seconds:
Tsec = (hh*60*60) + (mm*60) + ss + ms/1000
To convert seconds to 100ns units, you should multiply seconds by 10^7:
100ns units = Tsec*10000000
As an example, the time stamp 00:02:35:227 would be (0*60*60 + 2*60 + 35 + 227/1000)*10000000 = 1552270000 in 100nsunits