Author Topic: Trims differ between gui and command line  (Read 21502 times)
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« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2010, 04:57:15 PM »
Hello hugodiasneto,

First of all I would suggest you to use the most recent version - 2.2.1005.17, 2010 May 17
You can download it by that link:

Please check that your script contains index inside.
If problem persists, post your scipt here please.
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2010, 05:41:48 AM »

I´m experiencing the same problem. I have used JoinVobFiles.exe to join the vob files into only one and I have the FULLVOB_2010_1.mlmix and FULLVOB_2010_1.vob in the same folder.

I want to split my VOB in 54 pieces and I marked every single piece with the MARKER feature in GUI. I´ve checked every piece, and they are perfectly splitted in the IDE.

When I "save all fragment as" only the 7 first .vob files correspond to the divisions I´ve made. The other ones are completely differente.

I´m using evaluation version 2.22.904.16.

Any ideas about what is happening?

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« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2009, 01:46:24 PM »
Well, I wish I could say it was something more complex than that but you are correct.  I was missing the mpeg index in the batch files I was generating. 

So, great job on figuring out the issue! 

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« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2009, 10:56:23 AM »
Hi xenoputtss,

Thank you for so detailed report. The behavior you describes seems like if you did not specify an index file in XTL/

Please check a track attributes, it should appear like below a track below
<track video="1" audio="1" MPEG2_index_file="H:\2009_05_05_\VTS_01_0.mlmix" >
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2009, 01:47:56 PM »
I have been trying to use the Video splitter to cut my DvDs into its various scenes for a project I am working on.  I found out the with avi files the product is only "key frame accurate" (which in this case wasn't good enough).  So i decided to work with my raw mpg files from the dvds (copy the correct .vobs to my computer, join the correct vobs together, rename it to .mpg...all this works nicely.)   

I used the GUI version of your product (both the current beta and the current production release) to setup my markers and to do the splits and this worked well.  The splits were frame accurate (thanks!) but rarely the program would crash (not sure why) and then I would have to restart the process again.  Also (due to other reasons) I needed a better naming convention then was provided by the GUI. 

I created a test batch file (.xtl) with one segment in it.  When I ran the command line version of your application it would split successfully (didn't crash and produced a video and log file) but the slip didn't end in the same spot (it was no longer frame accurate).  When i ran the exact same batch file through the GUI, it would be split correctly.

Is there any idea why this may be happening?  I have the source files (about 1.6GB that I can provide).