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SolveigMM End-User Products => Video Splitter => Topic started by: waltera on July 31, 2011, 10:48:30 PM

Title: XLT for batch processor
Post by: waltera on July 31, 2011, 10:48:30 PM
I am evaluating Video Splitter for this one need I have.

I need to extract many fragments from many WMV files, and join all the fragments into one (WMV or other) file. The start and end of the fragments are set in my own software. I am looking for a batch processor that could run the list of fragments, extract them off their files, and join them.

Seems that VS could do the job. Amongst its features, I read "Supports batch files (.xtl)". Now I need the structure of the XLT file wanted by VS, but I do not seem to find it promptly. Please advise.
Title: Re: XLT for batch processor
Post by: Dmitry Vergeles on July 31, 2011, 11:05:15 PM
Hi Waltera,

Have a look this topic: (

Also XTL, is desctibed in the Splitter Help file (Batch File Stucture): (

and in the SDK doc (
Title: Re: XLT for batch processor
Post by: waltera on August 01, 2011, 12:36:28 AM
Thank you, Dmitry. That was quick, and on a Sunday !

Going at work with it right away.

Do I understand it right that with this SMM_BatchSplit there is no way to insert a title for each clip, or maybe an overlay text ?
Is there another way to do it, in order to have a way to identify the different clips  ?
Title: Re: XLT for batch processor
Post by: Dmitry Vergeles on August 01, 2011, 03:45:44 AM
Do I understand it right that with this SMM_BatchSplit there is no way to insert a title for each clip, or maybe an overlay text ?

Well, if you create a title as a separate file with encoded by similar video/audio you can join this title with the media file being processad throght CLI.

Maybe this util can be handy for making a title:
SolveigMM BMPs to AVI | .NET application + DLL (

If you really need it for work, you can contact us by mail with a description of your needs and we discuss such an implementation.
Title: Re: XLT for batch processor
Post by: waltera on August 01, 2011, 07:17:41 PM
Trying the batch processor.

I am following the examples in (

I do not get #3 to work.

#3 We have a set of Windows Media files with same video/audio paramenters (for example output1.WMV output2.WMV) and want to merge them to one single file - join_output3.WMV

   <group name="C:\video\result\join_output3.WMV" mode="joining">
      <track  video="-1" audio="-1">
         <clip src="C:\video\result\output1.WMV"  start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:00:00:00" />
         <clip src="C:\video\result\output2.WMV"  start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:00:00:00" />

The output is not a join of the list of input files, only the first one appears in the (joined) output.

I actually use :

    <group name="D:\test\join_1.WMV" mode="joining">
      <track  video="-1" audio="-1">
         <clip src="D:\test\o_1.WMV"  start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:00:00:00" />
         <clip src="D:\test\t_1.WMV"  start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:00:00:00" />
         <clip src="D:\test\o_2.WMV"  start="00:00:00:00" stop="00:00:00:00" />

t_1.wmv is a transition file I created using "PictureToVideo", as I did not get "SolveigMM BMPs to AVI | .NET application + DLL" to run, and because it allows for transitions. I suppose that the video params of this transition file do not exactly match with those of the other WMV files ? Which params are critical ?

When I remove this transition file, and I keep the 2 regular WMV files, SMM_Batchsplit creates the join file, but crashes before writing its log file, with the regular Windows error "... has encountered a problem and needs to close...".
Title: Re: XLT for batch processor
Post by: Olga Krovyakova on August 02, 2011, 12:18:23 AM
Hello Waltera,

The critical parameters for files joining are "Video", "Audio", "Width", "Height" and "Type".

There is really something wrong with .wmv files joining in console mode using Batch manager. We will try to find out the problem reason and will fix it.

Title: Re: XLT for batch processor
Post by: Olga Krovyakova on November 02, 2013, 12:37:33 AM
Hello Waltera,

Please try to use the beta version of Video Splitter, i've not noticed any problems on joining of wmv files using Batch Console.  (